
Thursday 23 February 2012

Your starter for ten...

Fingers crossed I may have sorted most of my staff shortage problems as a colleague of mine has unfortunately lost a contract to someone who undercut him but he doesn't want to lose his blokes so hopefully they will come and work on my jobs for the next few months. I still need a couple of lads here but its a big weight off my mind.
I had a guy who was rang me asking if I had any work so I told him I did and asked if he wanted to come with us for a day to see whats what and if everyone gets on but he said he wasn't going to come along unless he was definitely getting the job....
He answered his own question.

Last night saw me losing heavily at the races, well, it was a race night done with those DVD's and everyone puts in £20 and then gets betting money to play with. Most of the horses I backed either fell at the first fence or were still running when the next race came on. Good fun though.
I then got persuaded to try some Polish Vodka. I swear an hour later I had gone blind. I have never tried anything like that before - I've run some engines on similar stuff but never drank any of it.
This morning saw me looking at a couple of horses, neither of which were as they were described in the advert or on the phone. One didn't want to jump unless thrashed and the other was so worn out that he could hardly jump. That tells me he had been ridden and schooled to wear him out before we got there...

Tonight is quiz night.
Myself and some of the lads are going to attempt to win the local quiz which we are fairly good at doing or at least coming in the top three. Granted, the other teams are mainly all students and too pissed to think, let alone write down a correct answer but its their loss.
A lot of the questions are from the 60's, 70's and 80's which are rather difficult for the students but bread and butter for us older ones. Having said that, I do tend to come unstuck when the question is about Jay-Z or the Brit Awards...
Still, it's all about the taking part and if we don't win we'll just bottle them.

Christopher Columbus founded RyanAir.